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Delivering to anywhere in the world

Get high quality train components even if its a single unit.

If you are in need of a safer and more reliable rolling stock or components , we deliver it smoothly to your location

Do you have any of the following issues?

High cost

The prices for components are unreasonably high.

Slow delivery

It takes long time for the parts to be delivered.

High order threshold

High threshold for orders making it harder to purchase components. 

Don't know manufacturers

No connections with manufacturers to purchase rolling stock(including components), rail tracks, and operation systems neccesary to the railway operation. 

Slow ordering process

It takes time to locate manufacturers for unavailable components and go through all the agents.

Real case

Japanese railway company

They faced a critical issue when a vital engine controller was unavailable to purchase in Japan. We swiftly located the components globally, overcame shipping challenges, and ensured their nominal operation.


We accept any train related inquiries.
For example: 

We need maintenance 

Maintain your railway vehicles by outsourcing overhauls, repairs, and maintenance workers

We want expertise 

Acquire expertise in railway vehicle maintenance and related areas in-house 

We are looking for partners 

Find a reliable partners with high-quality technical expertise to operate and maintain diesel cars 

We want to sell or dispose 

Sell or dispose your surplus rolling stock or railway components, and arrange shipments for them


We will search for the parts you desire and deliver them to you by achieving cost-effective and speedy supply through transacting with both domestic and international manufacturers.

We can source what you desire , without being limited to our own technique and expertise. This is a service unique to our company that takes advantage of our highly independent, non-influenced position

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